Entrepreneurship and small businesses have an amazing power to change the future for ourselves and others. If we are brave enough and steadfast enough, we can craft what we do when we wake up each morning. Beyond that, we can shape our communities and build products and services that enhance our lives. We can pick from our many individual talents and give them to others.
But it isn’t simple or easy. There are challenges at each step. First, the inescapable learning curve and endless decisions. Licenses, certifications, marketing, and profitability come next. Then, as business grows, so too does trust and delegation. Processes get messy and outdated. Visions can get warped or miscommunicated.
I have a Master’s in Business Management from the University of Florida and over 14 years of professional experience in business development, marketing, and information architecture. More than all that, I love tackling challenges and solving problems. I enjoy turning massive amounts of information into something engaging, understandable, and eye-catching – whether a website, grant proposal, presentation, qualifications package, Customer Relation Management system or overall process. I love helping, training, and watching the dreams of others turn into a reality. As an extension of that, I also create and facilitate entrepreneurial programs for universities and business incubators.
The world I strive to create is one that, instead of your business being a burden, it enables you to focus on your strengths and live the life you imagine. I truly believe we can invent the future that we want to live in.
Katie White
Founder of KW Consulting & Design, LLC